Welcome! This site documents some of my past projects. Please take a look around!
For more up-to-date info on my publications, please visit Google Scholar.
For more up-to-date info on my publications, please visit Google Scholar.
About Me
My passion and work lie at the intersection of hardware and human-computer interaction -- specifically in envisioning interface and sensing technologies to unlock smarter, more natural, or more efficient experiences.
I am currently a hardware architect at Google AR and a graduate researcher at University of Washington UbiComp Lab in Seattle, WA. Prior to Google, I spent six years at Microsoft, where I was a Senior Hardware Architect incubating novel display and sensor technologies for augmented reality. Before that, I was an electrical engineer on the system integration team in Mountain View, CA, shipping HoloLens 1 and 2. At UW, my research explores input and interaction methods for spatial computing interfaces. I am a 2022 NDSEG Fellow. I graduated summa cum laude from Harvard College in 2016, studying electrical engineering and computer science, with coursework in human-computer interaction, computing hardware, analog and digital design, computer vision, and robotics. On the weekends, you can find me playing tennis, dancing, hiking, tinkering, or waiting for my friends to laugh at my jokes. |
© Ishan Chatterjee 2023